Sunshine Blogger Award

I got my first nomination award! Thank you @The Rhesa for nominating me. She has amazing content on how to manage your hair and guys, you’re not left out because she talks on beard growth too. How awesome is that? Anyway, check out her blog here.


1.) Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.

2.) Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

3.) Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4.) List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

My Answers

1.) What’s your favourite place when writing? 80% of the time, on the puff in my room and 20% of the time, on my bed. I’m writing this on my bed though.

2.) Are you afraid of speaking in public? Not really. If I was asked this a couple of years ago it would have been a big NO. But I can’t do an impromptu speech. I have to have a heads up so I can prepare my speech and myself.

3.) Where’s your favourite place you ever travelled too? Are 2 places enough to choose from? I’ve only travelled to 2 places and I think I’ll pick Calabar as my best.

4.) Have you ever had a small decision bring big consequences? Yep. I decided to have an extra hour of sleep on the day of a test instead of reading or getting ready. I ended up being late and I didn’t really do well in that test.

5.) A movie that made you cry? I’ve only had a few tears leave my eyes an that’s because my eyes are very sensitive😂. It has to be the hate you give. That movie was so emotional. And acrimony also made me shed a few drops of tears.

6.) What’s the most embarrassing hairstyle you’ve ever had? I don’t think I’ve ever had an embarrassing hairstyle. I’ve only had one I didn’t like because it wasn’t what I wanted.

7.) How did you start blogging? I wanted to document and share my transitioning journey to natural so I decided to create a blog.

8.) What’s your talent? Eating a lot of food without adding weight?😂😂 But seriously, I don’t know. I don’t really have the normal drawing, dancing, bla bla talent.(I’m not throwing any shades please) I think I’m pretty good at learning things fast. And yes, I can braid my whole hair myself so I think that’s a talent too.

9.) What’s your dream career? I’m currently in medical school so….

10.) What’s your 1st development action you’d take if you were made president of your country? I don’t think I have any interest in politics, but it would be to make youth empowerment a real thing.

11.) Did you enjoy answering my questions? Yes I did. This was quite fun to answer☺️.

My Questions

1.) What makes you genuinely happy?

2.) What is your proudest accomplishment?

3.) Who inspires you?

4.) What does your name mean?

5.) What’s your idea of fun?

6.) Your biggest struggle with blogging?

7.) What’s your favourite holiday?

8.) How would your friends describe you?

9.) What’s your favourite childhood memory?

10.) Your 2 top pet peeves?

11.) What’s the most used app on your phone?

My Nominations

@Good Hair Day

@Mope’s Tales


@The Lenalogy

@Honey Side Up


@Black Girl Living

@Fitness and beauty by Luni


@Amazing grace

@Aveline lifestyle

Thank you for reading my first nomination award post. I hope to do more of this in the future.

Stay safe☺️

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