Blogmas Day 3|Harmattan Essentials

Welcome to blogmas day 3.

Today is my blog anniversary and I didn’t even know till WordPress sent a notification. Well, happy blogversary to me(again, this is not a word).

Dry season is slowly creeping in and harmattan is on it’s way (though northern and eastern parts of Nigeria are already experiencing full blown harmattan). I love harmattan, but we have a love-hate relationship with it. Our love is not all rainbows and unicorns. It comes with it’s downsides of dry skin, dust, chapped lips, dehydration, catarrh, cough etc. So I’m bringing to you a list of things that would help get through the downsides of harmattan.


Water is the first on my list, and you’re probably tired of hearing this, but you need to drink lots of water during the dry season so you don’t get dehydrated. If possible, have your bottle of water with you so you can stay hydrated or else sore throat would come for you, and that’s just one of the many effects of being dehydrated during dry season.

Lip balm/ lip gloss/ Vaseline

Chapped lips are not pleasant, healthy or attractive. Lip balms are very essential to ensure that your lips stay moisturized. For people who wear makeup, lip glosses should be your go to during harmattan because chapped lips are painful, especially when eating anything containing pepper.


Harmattan comes with a lot of dust and dirt, so sunglasses would help to shield your eyes from the dust. They also add an edgy look to your outfit.

Comfortable clothes

Harmattan is a very confused weather because the mornings are usually cold but in the afternoon, it’s like the sun is out to kill every living thing. It’s best to wear cotton clothes that would keep you warm in the morning, but can adjust to the afternoon heat. I prefer to wear clothes with a jacket so I can take off the jacket in the afternoon.

Face caps

Like I said, the afternoon sun is like it’s out to kill all the inhabitants of the earth, so wearing a face cap would protect your face from the sun, and if also protects your hair from dust.

Shea butter/ body oils

Shea butter has really good moisturizing properties and so is very useful during the dry season. Body creams alone do not keep my skin moisturized enough so I add Shea butter to ensure my skin doesn’t get ashy during the day. If you feel Shea butter is too heavy for your skin, you can make a whipped butter with oils like I did here. Or, you can opt for using just natural oils like olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil or avocado oil.

Hand sanitizers

Since harmattan comes with dust, surfaces of objects would usually be covered in dust and touching of these objects are almost unavoidable. Covid-19 has made almost everybody to own a sanitizer now, so having a hand sanitizer is necessary and comes in handy when you can’t get soap and water to wash your hands at the moment.

Nose masks

Again, thanks to covid, everybody now owns a nose mask. If you’re someone who gets allergies from dust or you get easily irritated, you need to have your nose masks handy for when you’re going out.

These are my harmattan essentials, and they allow me to enjoy my Christmas in peace. What’s your must have item during harmattan?

Guys, the heat in Port Harcourt is not playing with anybody. Sleeping in the afternoon now is a nightmare. The idea of sleeping outside now, sounds so tempting.

Anyway, catch up on my other blogmas posts.

Blogmas Day 1

Blogmas Day 2

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32 thoughts on “Blogmas Day 3|Harmattan Essentials

  1. I don’t even bother to sleep in the afternoon because the heat….nah sis.
    Happy Blogversary SisπŸ˜πŸ€—

    I have been looking to buy a face cap seeing that I forgot mine in school but I have been procrastinating.

    This is a good post πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Blogiversary Wendy!!! You see that face cap, that’s a must-have. Because, the way dust can just magically get in one’s hair is mindboggling.

    Thanks for sharing these pro-tips. Hopefully Harmattan won’t be so harsh in Lagos this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ojocheyi says:

    Happy Blogversary girl!!!!!!
    You should totally try sleeping outside πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
    Here’s a funny story. Abuja is usually very hot and sometimes, you’d literally wet your pillow with sweat.
    One time back when I was in boarding school, the heat was just too much at night and I noticed some girls take their beds outside their rooms to sleep. I convinced my friend it was a good idea and we took a bed there. It was against the rules, so we literally snuck out, and stayed in a corner, to avoid being caught by a matron.
    I just want to say that the fear of mosquitoes is the beginning of wisdom because mosquitoes feasted on us. Never again!!!
    But you should totally try itπŸ˜‚.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Girrl… I’m so considering it but the thought of mosquitoes is what is keeping me back in my room. My mother and brother have slept outside before and they also complained of mosquitoes.
      Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

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