Thank You

That’s all what this post is about. As usual, it would be all over the place but you’ll get the gist. 2020 has been a rollercoaster year. I went through so many emotions at a time and it was hard to describe and place what exactly I was feeling at a point. It was really an emotional draining year for me. But I’m grateful for this year.

Yesterday, someone asked me to describe this year in one word, good or bad. The first thing that was going to come out from my mouth was bad, but then I kept quiet and thought about it. This year was actually a good year. It didn’t go as planned, but this is one of my best years.

I’m really grateful for this blog. It became a safe place for me during lockdown and this year in general. I’m grateful for everybody who has taken out few minutes from their day to read. It means a lot to me. For my ghost readers, I see you and appreciate you a lot. Thank you to all my binge readers. Participating in blogmas this year was an impromptu decision but I didn’t regret it. I will reached my goal of doubling my views on the blog and that happened because of you guys.

There were so many times I wanted to quit blogging, especially after I made it known that I had a blog. I started feeling scared that my content was wack. I mean, others are blogging about other stuff but I’m here blogging about hair. The shy person in me started doubting the quality of her blog and that’s why it took forever for me to make it known. Then I was sad at a point because the people who I thought would be reading my posts never did, but that’s alright because somehow, blogging has giving me a thick skin. I’m putting my self out there to be criticized and whatnot so it’s all good. I’m grateful for the little community I’ve built here.

I almost stopped blogmas at a point, but you guys made it so fun. I felt like I had people I was writing for. It’s one thing to see the stats increasing, it’s another thing to have engagements from nice people who come back, on your blog, so I’m really grateful you guys took minutes out of your time. I eventually stopped blogmas, but that’s because I wasn’t in the right mental space. I said it in my last post before Christmas, but I thought I was going to get better and continue. I’m fine now and ready to for the next year. 2021 won’t automatically be better, but at least it’s a new year and a fresh start. We have to work for it to be a better year. That’s the truth and some people may not want to hear that, but I said what I said.

I want to appreciate 6 people who made 2020 amazing for this blog. I would beat myself if I didn’t mention their names because we need more of these people in the world okay?


I knew Mope outside of WordPress and she’s as amazing as her blog is. She was even the first person I shared my blog link to and she was the best hype lady ever. She was so sweet and so encouraging to me and that meant a lot to me. So thank you for being the amazing person that you are.


Sabrina is my blogging baby🥰 She dropped a comment on one of my posts a while back and I was curious to see if she had a blog and what she wrote about. Best believe, I wasn’t disappointed. Her blog is so fun and you’ll really enjoy yourself if you visit the blog. You’ll certainly want to read again and again. In fact, please after this post, tap on her name and go binge read her blog. And tell her I directed you there😊.


I’ve already said I want to be like Cheyi when I grow up. She’s an amazing writer and is an amazing person. She always reads and I always look forward to reading her comments because she drops long ass comments that would make you want to hear her own view of the gist of topic. Thank you Cheyi for always leaving your thoughtful comments on my blog.


Emmanuel didn’t visit the blog as much, but when he does, he has a nice thing to say. Between his comment and Cheyi’s, I don’t know who makes my day more. He has been supportive in a way I can’t even describe but the fact that he keeps coming back to a predominantly hair blog, means a lot to me so thank you Emmanuel.


Yemi is a pretty chilled blogger, she’s one of the people who encouraged me to keep up with blogmas. Her comments are also thoughtful and kind. Thank you Yemi.


When publishing a post, I know that if nobody reads it, Blessing would. She leaves really nice and funny comments and I just love engaging with her in the comment section, so thank you Blessing for always reading my posts and being a nice person.

That wraps up this post guys. I’m grateful to be ending this year in good health so thank you once again. I hope you guys had a great year too.

Cheers to a new year✌️

Thanks for reading.

Stay Safe.

Appreciation Post: Thank You For 50 Followers

Welcome back to my blog 🙋 🙋

This was supposed to be done a few days ago but life of laziness got in the way and now I’m here.

I’m really happy right now typing this because I remember when I created this blog late last year and I was really down because I lost access to my previous one and when I created this one I basically abondoned it for a few months because I saw that as a setback. The purpose of creating a blogsite was to share my hair journey, from transitioning to when I big chopped then growing my natural hair but I lost the transitioning phase and it’s okay I guess.

Well, I got back my mojo and basically did more this year than the first 2, 3 months since I created this blog.

Anyway, I’m really happy for 50+ of you guys that find my content helpful or interesting enough to want to see more. If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll see I’ve diversed from just natural hair and reaching out into different other topics because I want to use this blog as my space where I can vent, discuss and rant to you guys. I’ve met amazing people here and you might not know it, but you’re my friend in my mind already.

Okay, this is a lowly girl expressing her gratitude to you all. I’m not a girl of many words so this is really short and straight to the point. And I’m looking forward to when I’ll be writing an appreciation post for 100 followers and more.

Thanks for reading.

Stay safe ☺️